
Tag 024: Sich der Kritik stellen

Es ist immer schwierig sich selbst Kritik zu stellen, aber es ist auch schwierig, selbige zu verteilen. Lori Waxman treibt diese Herausforderung auf die Spitze und schreibt Kunstkritiken auf der d(13) im Halbstunden-Rhytmus. Auch ich habe mich der Kritik gestellt, bzw. das Issue-Magazin, dessen Mitherausgeber ich bin.
Quelle: http://www.norbertbayer.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/lori-waxman-6252.jpg
 Hier das Ergebnis:

“Issue” is the name of a limited-edition artist magazine produced by Tim Pickartz and Stephan Hilpert. The name plays two ways, since each installment is both an issue and an issue about an issue. The fifth volume centers on “ZER//STOERUNG,” which means “destruction” and “interruption.” But the most compelling work in the magazine is not the art that represents this concept directly but rather that which pairs it with construction. Miriam Schröder juxtaposes photographs of World War II wreckage with current ones of bulldozers clearing some of that old wreckage to make way for new structures. Andrea Nolte reproduces iridescent X-rays of her skull, where a tumor was found and then successfully removed.  Rebecca Schmied documents the deconstruction of a slouchy old armchair, resulting in a pile of junk, a bare bones chair, and some knowledge gained about the structure and materiality of a common piece of furniture. The knockout centerpiece by Lisa Grimm cuts a shape out of the page and tapes it back in, repositioned so that something new and unexpected emerges, hopefully but not always something stronger and even, dare I say, better.

—Lori Waxman 6/9/12 3:04 PM

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